Abraham Tolkowsky

Heritage of Excellence

The Tolkowsky family have been at the forefront of innovation in the diamond industry for over 200 years.

They are the only family to have been continuously active for 8 generations passing down invaluable skills, knowledge and expertise

Marcel Tolkowsky

The Ideal Cut

Marcel Tolkowsky is globally celebrated as the father of the modern round brilliant diamond. Invented in 1919 Marcel mathematically calculated the exact placement of facets to achieve the best light
return possible in a 57 facet cut.

As the diamond industry began to recognise the importance of cut proportion and its effect on beauty, Marcels invention quickly became recognised as the highest quality possible and it was named the “Ideal Cut”. To this day, 100 years after its invention it remains the benchmark of cutting excellence.

Cut Proportions

Marcel invented the “ideal” proportions for a 57 facet diamond so that no light escapes through the pavilion of the diamond – all light returns through the crown facets and table for maximum fire, brilliance and scintillation.

The Effect Of Cut On Light Return

How you cut a diamond directly affects its beauty

Generic 57 Facet Cut

The Tolkowsky Ideal Cut

Love 100 Diamonds